Blog posts


Benchmark Dose Analysis


This is a more of my own summary for the joint work on BMD with my manager, Xiaoyi, at Corteva. We conduct research on statistical analyses of avian reproduction study for risk assessment.

Linear Mixed Effects Model with Presence of High-dimensional Fixed Effects


Linear mixed effects model (LMM) has been widely used in many fields. As a part of my Ph.D. research, LMM has some fascinating theoretical work that has been done. And as the dimension of available covariates increases nowadays, traditional LMM (p«n) can no longer help solve some problems. For example, when the data is collected from field experiments and design information is available, high-dimensional linear model is clearly incorrect for modeling the relationship between phenotype and omic-features. There is need of developing working and user-friendly algorithm/software for fitting high-dimensional LMM.

xaringan 2.0


Three years ago, I started using xaringan (by Yihui) to make cool slides. User experience has been lovely. And, there are much more we can do with it, in terms of themes, some utility features, and inserting cool/fun trending emojis.




I took winter break not well usually for many reasons. The weather went insane this year, which certainly not helped. Everywhere seems extremely cold this year, so is Iowa. Although I love snow a lot, I cannot bear how cold it would be here. Well, it is what it is.

My Fall 2022 Semester


This semester was kinda crazy. Long story short, I received a lot of help and somehow made through it.

Where does the future lie


I never imagined I would go this far when I accepted the master program offer four years ago. Back then, I wasn’t sure where my future lies. And now, I am still not clear about my future. Over past years, especially since December 2021, I have been struggling with work, school, and research. I have been questioning myself, when everything would end and how would everything end.

Department of Statistics at ISU 75th Anniversary


The STAT department $75^{th}$ anniversary event was a huge success. Speakers brought in so much interesting and informative topics. As this is my fifth year at ISU, things have been much more challenging and stressful to me. This event is the timely help that I exactly need right now. Invited speakers and panelists not only provided so much great advises and so much about their experience. They also give me hope, give me motivations to keep through my last year (hopefully). It is so delightful and encourging to see so many alumni working in very different areas. It makes my life much more bearable.




“The van was parked under a row of willow trees. These trees were big and old, but their leaves were thin and gave a wavering shade. But to be alone was a great relief.”




第一是看完Pride and Prejudice后觉得这小说格局真小,就是情情爱爱的乡村爱情小说,也不理解Mrs Bennet为什么要像卖女儿一样给她们物色丈夫。 第二是没怎么读懂Jane Austen取名Pride and Prejudice的含义。(好的,我再次感受到了自己没有下限的文学素养。)

Fishy Fisher’s Exact Test


Interesting, I never learnt Fisher’s exact test when I was undergrad. Or, my mind was out of the classroom when my professor was addressing this test.



Wonderful slides generating package: xaringan!





Happy Thanksgiving


This is my very first post. Happy Thanksgiving! Big thank you to my families, major professors and my dear friends!